Kingdom Kindergarten

Registration is open for the academic year 2024-2025

School Regulations & Instructions (Behavior Policy)

School General Behavior Regulations
Arenas Behavior Regulations
Class Behavior Regulations 

School Regulations & Discipline Instructions



Violation Procedure

Stick to the school uniform 

The student is warned verbally for the first time, and in case of repetition, we call up the guardian 

Respect the attendance and departure school timings

The student is warned verbally for the first time, and in case of repetition, the guardian will be notified, and if it is repeated, we call up the guardian 


We call up the guardian and take the appropriate action 

Respect the rules and regulations in the bus

In the event of non-compliance with the regulations for using the bus, the guardian will be notified and compensation is required in case of damage

General Behaviour 


Violation Procedure

Respect the attendance and departure school timings

If the student is late for school attendance for more than 2 times, the guardian is notified, and if repeated, we call up the guardian and the appropriate action is taken

Permission: To leave the school before time

The student is allowed to leave in certain circumstances like a medical appointment and the school must be informed in advance (1 day) with a proof of that is brought to the supervisor


Absence: In case the student is absent for 4 consecutive days with a pledge from the guardian not to be absent for this time

A written pledge is taken by the student’s guardian not to be absent without justification. In case the absence is repeated for 9 consecutive or non-consecutive days in one semester, we call up the guardian with a pledge not to be absent. In case the student is absent for more than 10 days in one semester or 15 days in the two semesters, the student will be referred to the competent authorities

Respect the school uniform, sports uniform in sports classes, and the general appearance (outfit, nails, hair)

In the event of non-compliance with the regulations for using the bus, the guardian will be notified and compensation is required in case of damage

Arenas Behavior 


Violation Procedure

Respect the supervisors

A verbal warning and if repeated the student is prohibited from using the playing area for a period determined by the supervisor

Respect the colleagues during the break and never assault them verbally or physically

A verbal warning and if repeated the student is prohibited from using the playing area for a period determined by the supervisor

Maintain school facilities

The guardian is notified, and in case the student damages any of the school’s facilities or properties, the guardian should repair what the student has damaged or pay its value

Class Behavior 


Violation Procedure

  • Stay calm in class and avoid chaos
  • Bringthe required  study materials
  • Pay attention during the explanation and not fall asleep during the class
  • Follow up on homework

A verbal warning, and if repeated, the guardian will be notified of this and the appropriate action is taken.

In case the student is not doing his homework again, we contact the guardian via telephone and  this negatively affects the grades

It is forbidden to bring toys or any dangerous materials inside the school

The guardian is notified and the appropriate action is taken